Why Is Weed Bad For You ?

Why is weed bad for youWhy is weed bad for you? : people who started smoking weed before age 16 suffer from brain damage, according to a study of McLean Hospital , which depends on the Harvard Medical School . Smokers in adulthood would be less good , especially for planning, or reasoning on the abstract.

According to FoxNews , the study involved 33 smokers and 26 nonsmokers. Among the tests, different exercises with maps and changing the rules as you : smokers were much less successful than others, having difficulty sustaining attention , according to the Harvard Gazette . They made more errors than double non -smoking.

How To Quit Smoking Weed

How To Quit Smoking Weed ?

how to quit smoking weed

When you smoke weed can be the cool weather and out of this world. But you know what may have adverse effects both physically and psychologically ? If you are a smoker and stuff is falling into addiction, the first thing to do is learn how to quit smoking weed. It is a healthy habit that has zero benefit for their welfare . Below are some tips to quit smoking weed that will help you overcome this habit and live a healthy life straight.