Why Is Weed Bad For You ?

Why is weed bad for youWhy is weed bad for you? : people who started smoking weed before age 16 suffer from brain damage, according to a study of McLean Hospital , which depends on the Harvard Medical School . Smokers in adulthood would be less good , especially for planning, or reasoning on the abstract.

According to FoxNews , the study involved 33 smokers and 26 nonsmokers. Among the tests, different exercises with maps and changing the rules as you : smokers were much less successful than others, having difficulty sustaining attention , according to the Harvard Gazette . They made more errors than double non -smoking.

Memory Problems :

"These findings are crucial because adolescence is an important period of brain development and the adolescent brain is more vulnerable to the effects of drugs that the adult brain ," says Staci Gruber , director of the Cognitive Neuroimaging and Clinical Core.

"We must be clear in explaining that marijuana is not really a benign substance , she said. It has a direct effect on the primary functions . The sooner you start to consume, and the more you consume, the greater the effect will be significant . "

In other tests , those who started smoking marijuana the young tended to repeat the same mistakes. Previous studies have already highlighted a link between weed and memory problems or mental abilities.

Why Is Weed Bad For You ?


  1. Weed contains the bad harmful ingredients in it thats makes it unsafe for vaping so it should not be taken it contains bad addictive material in them.


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  3. Weed contains the addictive substance in them that makes it bad for your health and may cause many harmful efefcts to body.

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